The growing influence of industry in AI research [PDF] (with N Thompson, M Wahed). Science. 2023
Selected media coverage: Financial Times, Venturebeat, Le Monde, The Atlantic
What should be done about the growing influence of industry in AI research? (with N Thompson). Brookings Report. 2023
Most visited publication from October-December, 2023
Under Review
Scientists & Firm-level Appropriation Strategy in Artificial Intelligence Research
[Digital value capture around a policy shock] (with M Joshi, JP Vergne & N Su)
(under review, Strategy Science). We use a regression discontinuity design to document which organizations captured more digital value from a major policy shock.
Honorable Mention, Organization Theory Division, ASAC, Canada 2019
Best Paper Award, Strategic IT track, AMCIS, USA 2018
Working Papers
Complementary Assets Enhancing Technological Discontinuity: How the Rise of Deep Learning De-democratized Artificial Intelligence Research (with M Wahed) [PDF]
(Target: Management Science). We use synthetic control method and NLP methods to showcase how deep learning was a specific technological disconinuity, which in turn, changed the competitive dynamics in the research field.
Nominated, Best PhD Paper Prize, SMS, 2020
Nominated, Research Methods Paper Prize, SMS 2020
Media coverage: VentureBeat, Scientific American, Axios, Marginal Revolution, The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence and Stanford AI Index (2021).
The Narrow Depth and Breadth of Corporate Responsible AI Research [PDF] (with Kirsten Martin, Amit Das, Kawshik Banerjee)
Media: Nature news, Nature Index
Responsible AI Principles: Human Capital’s Role in the Adoption of Socially Responsible Activities (with Nan Jia)
Corporate Scientific Research in Responsible AI: Evidence from the GDPR (with Francisco Polidoro Jr.)
I use diff-in-diff to show that political capabilities play an important role in firms' decision to engage in responsible AI research.
(Early draft available. Presented at NBER, Harvard LISH, Northeastern E&I, Columbia MAD conference and at AOM)Work in Progress
Technological Discontinuities and R&D Collaboration Strategies: How Deep Learning Changed Firm-level Collaboration Strategies in Artificial Intelligence
Nominated, Best PhD Paper Prize, SMS, 2020
Finalist, Max Boisot Award, EGOS, July 2018
Winner, Lazaridis Institute Entrepreneurship Poster Competition at WLU, June 2018
Dormant projects:
• #GirlPower: Women’s Political Empowerment and Female Entrepreneurship (With M Seong)
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2018
1st Runner-up, Lazaridis Institute Entrepreneurship Poster Competition at WLU June 2018
• Determinants of Firms Nonmarket Strategy: Ownership and Lobbying in Emerging Economies
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2017
Research Position
Research Fellow, The Scotiabank Digital Banking Lab, Ivey Business School, October 2018 - June 2021